* First Request a Free Bottle of our Spot Out carpet spot remover.
- Use a clean white towel to blot any excess fruit punch liquids up. Gently remove any solids with a spoon.
-Always test any carpet spot remover in an unseen area for color fastness or potential damage to carpet.
-Solution mix- use ¼ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and mix with 1 cup of warm water. Rinsing is always necessary to remove any residue which can cause re-soiling in the carpet.
-Start with dabbing a small amount of solution on a white clean cloth and gently blot the fruit punch spill area. Start from outer areas and work towards the middle. DO NOT RUB or SCRUB. Allow solution to sit for a couple minutes before starting.
-Warm Water – Lukewarm tap water should be used in most cases to rinse the cleaning solutions from the fiber. Failure to completely rinse the solutions from the fiber may cause accelerated soiling.
-After the fruit punch spill is removed rinse with warm water and blot with dry towel or cloth.
-Always pat the area dry when completed and never rub. Also place a dry towel over the area and a plastic garbage can on top to apply pressure. Leave for several hours to soak up.
*** Never use laundry detergent on carpet, these products can brighten up the fibers. Never use automatic dishwashing detergent also, most contain bleach which cause permanent damage
-When using a spot cleaner from a store, always rinse thoroughly with warm water. A spray bottle set at mist setting is always best to avoid over wetting the area. Never use more detergent then directions, too much detergent can cause rapid re-soiling.
How To Remove Fruit Punch From Carpet - Homeowner News
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